This is the case specially when the interesting subject is a hard one to get and rarely comes by. You name it, we would put the hardest effort...we would walk the extra miles...we would think outside & outside the boxes!
News spreads far and wide. In this era where the world is virtually getting smaller, no birds is safe from being digitized.
A couple of my buddies drove 400km across Sabah to witness/photograph a vagrant winter visitor. A rare occasion, no one can really blame them coz there were no news of them refueling in the east coast so far. Men...
Anyway, here's the recent and first activity of the so-called Blackberry Bird Club of Kota Kinabalu...
Strong contender for the "Rookie of the Year" award..Mr. Winston Pudin
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Pudin..(who managed to poison the brother..yeah, the one above!)
Looking & waiting...
New kid on the block's??
The one at the back seemed implying something with her pose...I love her!
The majestic Mt. Kinabalu and the Buddhist temple of Tuaran.
Wait for the golden light!!!
Group photos everyone!!!
I love my G12...
The little ones who brought us birding together
Nice write up... enjoy the photos :P
Jordan that was funny post, lol.
Wow for the camera equipment. I wish I was on those photos, sounds like a real adventure. Anna :)
Beautiful Anas crecca, worth the long wait.
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