Sunday, May 25, 2008

Besra (Accipiter virgatus rufotibialis): The Unexpected

Received a great news from Chai just a few minutes ago. The nesting Besra (Accipiter virgatus rufotibialis) has three chicks! What a wonderful news and I can't wait to go there.

Unlike the Black-napped Monarch's nest at Sepilok which was blown away by the strong wind (as reported by Alphon) last month, this Besra is lucky. She's now nursing three chicks. Wonderful news! I guess, building a nest on a small tree is better after all.

Chai, Sisie, Jason and Karim went to Tambunan to pay a visit to the Besra. Obviously, they are having the time of their life up there! Not an everyday event to witness a raptor up close and personal. To add to the excitement, it's endemic to Borneo.

Besra (Accipiter virgatus rufotibialis)
I only managed to get a few shots of this bird, but unfortunately the quality is just too poor! This shot was taken when we slowly moved in to the area when I saw a bright yellow eye sparkling from a distance. (Please click to enlarge or else its just a bunch of dry leaves and sticks!)
I just hope the weather will permit us to go there in June. The unpredictable strong wind these days is quite a worrying factor. Until then, I'll keep my fingers crossed!
To Chai and the guys up there, Congratulations!..ENVY...

1 comment:

Jason Bugay Reyes said...

buss cant really say our besra at borneo is endemic coz not officially split hehehe but lets hope in the future :)