Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Bird Taught Me About Patience

Came May 2010, I called it a day... I still remember it was just before a good friend's wedding...

Apparently, I was thinking I've had enough of it. I finally came into my senses and moved on. My obsession on one particular bird was finally over... Come to think of it, it's quite ironic because the person that introduced me to the bird is the same person who was getting married! Mr. Chai...

Patience is really the key...

It was ridiculously difficult at first even just to find them. As time goes by and and also with lots of road trips uphill, it became a bit easier. As I came to understand their behavior better through my observation and encounters, photographing them became not so impossible anymore.

Anyway, here goes one of a good profile shots of my Eyebrowed Jungle-flycatcher...


Jason Bugay Reyes said...

Nice ...

myonlyphoto said...

Jordan it paid off, wow for the photo. I notice that when I don't chase birds, they come to me. Thanks for sharing, and the good reminder. Anna :)